Choosing a steam shower for your home or bathroom renovation can be life-changing. Having your very own spa-like conditions to enjoy after a long day can make it all worthwhile. With different steam shower designs to choose from, features to consider, and some basic guidelines on where to install, here are the most common questions we receive about steam showers.
What is a steam shower?
A lot of people unknowingly group together a steam shower with a steam room and a sauna, despite all three being considerably different. A steam shower is just that – a shower. It is an enclosed area where instead of a steady stream of water, electricity is used to create steam. Using steam, the body is cleansed and relaxed.
Is a steam room and a steam shower the same?
No but they can be used within the same enclosure separately or at the same time. A free-standing steam shower can be enjoyed just for the steam function to relax. Alternatively, some choose to use it as a sort of shower to clean themselves. After you have a steam shower, you decide how you want to use it.
Does a steam shower need to be joined to the wall?
Although many steam showers will have a design involving being enclosed to the wall, it is not a necessity. Steam showers can be free-standing, in large part thanks to advancements in lightweight, study design materials. A steam shower can be placed more or less anywhere in a bathroom without the need of any support.
Is a steam shower more for standing or sitting?
You may see a steam shower and think that it’s a shower so standing is more appropriate. For many though, if they stay in for longer than 15 minutes, the preference is to sit. For this reason, many homeowners choose to have fixed seating. It ultimately has no consequences on steam shower benefits whether one is sitting or standing so it’s up to personal preferences.
How long should I use a steam shower for?
As with any health or fitness related activity, more is not always better. Moderation is key. Prolonged contact in a steam shower can mean skin becomes soft and dry, in addition to presenting health hazards. Usually, no more than 15-20 minutes is recommended. Ensure you hydrate before and after as well, giving your body what it needs to keep going.
Why should I buy a steam shower?
There are many reasons to buy a steam shower, none more important than for the health advantages. Steam is a great combatant against toxins, promotes better blood flow and strengthens the heart, and relaxes the body. A steam shower is also an effective way to cleanse the body. Some users have noted mental health benefits as well, most likely due to the rejuvenating effects of a steam shower session and the immense stress relief.
If you want to buy a steam shower, Steam Sauna wants to hear from you. An expert sauna and steam shower dealer, we can help recommend to you the best design for your needs as well as highlight some features and accessories you may find alluring. Steam showers can be the beginning to a new chapter in your life. Let’s start on the first page together. Contact Steam Sauna.