Experts Disagree on Whether a Sauna’s Best for Before or After The Gym – Here’s Why

Saunas are absolutely great for athletes! There’s no arguing that. It’s a fact. That said, where experts may disagree is on when to use the sauna. Some will say to use it before a workout to loosen up the muscles while others will say this is a bad idea because it will relax a person to an extreme degree which isn’t conducive to a good fitness session. Then, there are others who will argue the best time to use a sauna is after a workout as it relaxes the muscles and de-stresses them. Well, which is it – here’s what we know.

Using a sauna after the gym

After the gym, plain and simple, it’s a nice way for a person to relax. It relaxes the muscles, the nervous system, and helps to move blood. It rewards your mind, body, and spirit. Research suggests the increase in circulation will help relieve sore muscles and help with recovery in the days ahead. It keeps the heart rate up, almost as a form of passive exercise or like a mild cardiovascular routine. For all these reasons, people like using saunas after the gym.

There aren’t really any disadvantages to using a sauna after the gym. The benefits are virtually identical to what they would be if you went and sit in a sauna before an athletic performance. What we’re talking about difference-wise is the effect it has on a workout. After a gym, it’s an excellent way to wind-down and re-energize, re-focusing you back on the rest of you day ahead.

Using a sauna before the gym

We mentioned how a sauna keeps heart rate up and acts as a form of passive exercise. This is why some experts are arguing that it’s better to use it before a workout. The thinking here is that saunas will help to warm up the body and loosen it up. If you’re someone suffering from chronic pain or who has mobility issues, there’s certainly something to be said for this. After all, a sauna literally warms up the body.

There is a slight risk in using a sauna before a workout, as it could relax your muscles to a point where they aren’t engaging like they would normally. This opens up a possibility of injury, particularly if you’re an athlete that gets intense with their gym work quickly. Also, a person can lose a lot of sweat sitting in a sauna. If you don’t rehydrate and immediately jump into a gym session, you run the risk of dehydration. Be sure to hydrate!

Which one is your preference?

It can become a bit of a dance trying to figure out who to believe. There is a lot of research backing up using a sauna post-gym. Even so, some will claim before the gym is better. Our recommendation, simply based off the widespread research available, is we think there’s more established benefit to using it after an athletic session than before. That said, it’s up to the individual. Either way, ensure you hydrate before, during, and after!

Are you looking for a sauna or steam room to provide some added benefit to your workout? Choose Steam Sauna, get it installed in your home just like we do at any gym or fitness environment, and always have it ready for when you’re ready to de-stress, de-compress, and move away from the gym to your day-to-day.

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