A hot tub or a sauna, which is better – an interesting question, we admit. There are advantages to both, each built from a similar philosophy of using heat as a means of relaxing, de-stressing, healing, and inspiring positive health benefits.
A hot tub may seem sexy, indulging, and like you deserve it. And heck, you do! That said, a hot tub costs a lot to operate, can be difficult to install and maintain, and it’s a major purchase. Comparatively, a sauna – especially an infrared sauna – can be a lot more attractive. Here’s a breakdown on saunas and hot tubs.
What’s it like in a hot tub?
A hot tub can be a very social experience, arguably more than a public sauna. A hot tub’s particularly seductive when it’s very cold out. It can be like sinking into a hot bath. The water’s swirling hot can be addictive and it can be exciting to step into what’s essentially a heated pool during the coldest months of winter.
What’s it like in a sauna?
Saunas are less social and more meditative. Choosing between an infrared sauna and a hot tub, you might be surprised at how small, secluded, and focused a sauna’s room is. It can literally glow in there with minimal light and wood paneling. It feels great to sweat in a sauna. Arguably more importantly, one of saunas’ greatest benefits in comparison with a hot tub is its potential to be installed almost anywhere in your home.
What are the health benefits of a hot tub?
A hot tub comes with some major health benefits, including the ability to help with sleep, lower and regulate blood pressure, minimize arthritis pain, lower diabetic blood sugar levels, promote weight loss, and reduce stress or stress-related conditions including those relating to muscle tension, headaches, fatigue, and soreness. A hot tub can very much feel like going to a spa. There’s no questioning it’s a very relaxing experience for most.
What are the health benefits of a sauna?
The health benefits of a sauna overlap significantly with that of a hot tub except they go even further. Of course, in a sauna, you get a lot of stress relief and relaxation. On top of that though, saunas provide immune system boosting benefits, is an aid to strengthen cardiovascular health, provides pain relief, and assists in speeding up muscle recovery. There’s a reason why a lot of hotels, gyms, and healthcare facilities have saunas but not hot tubs.
Do you want to be wet or dry?
A hot tub gets the entire body wet. It very much feels like taking a bath. If that’s not your style, saunas use a sort of dry heat. In a small wooden construction, it becomes like sitting in front of a fire almost. The body gently heats up to just the right therapeutic temperature and it’s not uncomfortable.
You can lose more weight in a sauna
A hot tub doesn’t compare. You can lose more weight in a sauna. In any heated environment, you’re going to lose a lot of water weight. That’s inevitable. In a sauna however, you’re seeing blood flow increase in a sustainable way which causes the heart to work harder and that’s a positive thing. Multiple studies support the notion that being in a sauna is very similar to a moderate-intensity cardiovascular session at the gym. A hot tub doesn’t come close in weight loss, although a hot tub can help increase circulation and temporarily jump up heart rate.
You’re more likely at risk in a hot tub
There are very, very few injuries or risks to being in a sauna. Every year however, there are thousands of hot tub injuries. A large percentage of those come from excessive heat exposure. Others relate to the consumption of alcohol. When used right, a hot tub is a very calm and nice atmosphere to have around you. That said, used wrongly and you may find yourself in a lot of trouble trying to combat a serious injury, health condition, or health emergency.
A sauna is less expensive than a hot tub
From purely a financial standpoint, a sauna is more affordable than a hot tub, costing less. Estimates on what a new hot tub costs is between $3,000 and $16,000. With a sauna, there are different models and builds, ranging from infrared saunas to more traditional models. Though average cost of a custom cedar sauna is between $3,000 and $5,000, some can cost far less. Needless to say, if you’re looking to add something like a hot tub or sauna to your home, you require far less cost upfront in a sauna purchase.
A sauna requires less energy to operate
A hot tub takes a lot of energy to run. The average hot tub electricity cost obviously relies on a number of variables, evidently. That said, some studies have calculated costs around $23 per month. Comparatively, the average cost of a sauna is similar in the sense that there are many factors including how much one might pay. With that in mind, the average cost of a sauna is $3.60/month. There is a huge difference between $3.60 and $23, especially when you calculate costs over the course of a year!
Saunas are great for the skin
Saunas are not just a weapon in one’s healthcare, the management of chronic conditions, and self-care. A sauna’s also a fine tool in maintaining young, healthy skin. Provide moisture in an all-natural way. Detoxify the skin, removing toxins and impurities. In a sauna, have skin with less blackheads, less pimples, and less acne. These benefits aren’t seen in a hot tub. In fact, the opposite can happen in a sauna with the germs and bacteria that can be transferred.
Hot tubs are more conducive to bacteria growth
An infrared sauna heats a body from a few inches deep into the body and outwards. There actually isn’t much moisture in an infrared sauna for this reason. A hot tub is entirely different. A hot tub is the perfect environment for bacteria to grow. If you have an open injury or wound, there’s a chance it could become infected when you step into a hot tub. Subsequently, you should avoid a hot tub if you notice a strong odor coming from the water. Ideally, a hot tub will remain odorless. Lastly, do not get hot tub water in the eyes or mouth.
A sauna’s easier to have in a home
A sauna’s plain easier to use than a hot tub. It’s easy to get in and out, in 30 minutes or less with no hassle. A hot tub you’ve got wait for it to heat and although relaxing, you’ve got to get dry afterwards. Other than a sense of relaxation, you’re not really getting much from a hot tub especially compared to the dozens and dozens of health benefits from a sauna. In terms of a home installation, a sauna is better than a hot tub.
A quick list of why a hot tub’s better than a sauna
Even with all this information available and known, some households are still going to choose a hot tub over a sauna. That’s understandable, despite costing more, being less energy efficient, and requiring more maintenance overall. Here are the top reasons why hot tubs are preferred over saunas by some.
A hot tub’s easier to install.
Costs less in installation.
Eases sore muscles faster than a sauna.
Shown to decrease blood sugar levels.
Increases quality of sleep.
A quick list of why a sauna’s better than a hot tub
There’s a long list of reasons why homes choose a sauna over a hot tub. In terms of which is the better option for you, here are the top reasons why saunas are preferred over saunas by some.
Saunas cost way less.
They cleanse the skin, unlike a hot tub.
A sauna improves heart health and immune system functioning.
A sauna’s easier to maintain.
Far more energy-efficient.
Increases a home’s resale value.
Also increases quality of sleep.
Dozens of health benefits!