Are infrared saunas ok to use with a pet? Well, sort of. Far infrared heat technologies have been used to warm and soothe different pets without any risk but it requires supervision and extra consideration of course. In essence, the answer’s not just a yes or no. There’s a lot which must be weighed and ultimately if you feel it’s unsafe, that’s not something you should have to compromise on. Nevertheless, here’s some information about infrared saunas for pets.
Now you might think, your pet is so small. Does this mean they’re making dog houses but with infrared sauna tech – the answer is not really. What is most commonly given to pets for infrared heat are pet sauna beds. Oftentimes quite stylish, these beds have been on the market for a decade at least. Far infrared heat technology warms and soothes pets like a dog with no risk of burning or discomfort. Thankfully, with a dog, they will no doubt make you aware if they are experiencing any uncomfortability in a sauna. Regardless, they should always be monitored.
Why an infrared sauna for a dog? Well first off, it’s a natural, non-toxic, and completely safe treatment. The heat is gentle and healing with no sweating for a pet. Infrared heat therapy and pets is not a new subject. In fact, some horse owners have been using infrared sauna-esque therapies for decades in the form of far infrared wraps and blankets. There’s also been evidence of some poultry farmers using ceramic infrared heaters to maximize the health of their birds, resulting in larger, healthier, more active, and more productive poultry.
Most notably, within the past year, more veterinarians are becoming aware of the power of infrared heat technology and are recommending it to pet owners. Evidently, reptiles use far infrared ceramic heaters in their aquariums. Needless to say, so many uses have happened with the technology. Here’s the thing though. It’s important to distinguish between an infrared sauna and infrared sauna pet-friendly technology. Far infrared tech produces a dry heat which encourages no sweating. It’s been used to release toxins, cure pain in a pet, and block energy. It’s also been used to regenerate tissue growth, helping with wound closure, and as a soothing, subtle heat therapy. If you put any pet into an actual sauna, they’re going to sweat and be uncomfortable.
So is a sauna safe for your pet – no, a ‘sauna’ is not but regarding infrared heat, yes it is. Temperature should be set at 110 F maximum, it’s important for pets to have a way in and out, and you may choose to use it for only a limited time. Oftentimes, with infrared heat, less is more with pets especially in the beginning. Like humans, these are some of the benefits of providing pets with an infrared sauna bed:
Supports pain relief, reduced swelling, and minimizes inflammation.
Promotes circulation and increases metabolism.
Supports a healthy immune system.
Can heal skin issues such as irritations, rashes, or hot spots.
Reduces stress and anxiety.
Provides relaxation.
Unless a sauna has been specifically indicated as dog-friendly or cat-friendly, do not bring them in. Do note that any pet with fur will make the conditions even hotter for them which is a risk to their health.