All-natural healthcare and health maintenance is available, with dozens of benefits, from the installation of a steam shower. Canadians from coast to coast swear by their steam shower. Forgoing the fees of a gym or spa with access to a steam shower, here are 10 reasons why Canadian homeowners like you have chosen steam showers for their home.
Lowers blood pressure
High blood pressure is a serious illness that few take as seriously as is probably recommended. Steam showers cause the body to sweat and as the skin pores open up, excess sodium in circulation is excreted through the skin. This, in part, is one of the ways a steam can lower blood pressure.
Skin moisturizer
The #1 reason why Canadians love steam rooms is because the humidity provided is ideal to moisturize the skin naturally without drying it out and with no product. Regular sessions mean healthy skin.
Less stress
A lot of illness is directly tied to stress. When we lower the mental and physical stress we carry on the body, we can help remedy a lot of illness. Soothe body and mind in a steam shower, and you’ll feel so much better.
Removes bacteria
Germs and bacteria build up in ourselves, and we are exposed to diseases and viruses almost every day. The infection and inflammation caused by these bacteria can be serious. A steam shower causes the body to perspire, effortlessly eliminating harmful bacteria through the pores.
Respiratory illnesses
Hot steam from a steam shower helps to thin out mucus and lung secretions. This helps the respiratory system work, allowing air to move in and out of the lungs with no problem.
There’s a long list of beauty benefits to steam showers, helping to treat cellulite, promoting collagen production, and improving the appearance of skin. The other reasons why steam showers are used also play into beauty effects as the body’s left functioning better and feeling better. This all translates to a clear, healthy beauty on the surface.
Immune system help
Steam showers improve the immune system by increasing white blood cell count and creating more efficient immune system response. Used regularly, you’ll be well-connected to a strong immune system, helping you fight off colds and flus faster and more effectively.
Metabolism boost
High heat environments cause the metabolism to boost, something vital to weight loss. Steam thereby can also help to build calories which helps to control weight. All in all, many people use steam rooms for the efficiencies they create in our bodies as it pertains to weight.
Chronic health issues
A lot of us use our steam showers because they help make life a little easier to live. Steam’s effective at treating a number of health ailments, including arthritis, asthma, and allergies. Symptoms can oftentimes be improved and sometimes, eliminated altogether.
Skin exfoliating
Steam showers are an all-natural skin exfoliant. It cleanses the skin, resolving skin conditions such as acne and other debilitating issues. When we use steam, it’s a kind way to penetrate deep underneath the surface layer of skin, stimulating skin exfoliation and skin health in a big way.
Steam showers aren’t so scarce as they once were. Many homes have steam showers installed, for the reasons mentioned. Does it seem appealing to you? There’s an urgent need in today’s society to live healthier lives. A steam shower’s one way to feel healthier. Twenty minutes a day’s worth it, to feel a little better and look healthier. Get yours today.