Cold and flus are a part of winter. Almost every one of us will, at some point this winter, get a sickness of some kind. When we get sick, this means the body has an infection usually caused by a bacteria or virus of some kind. Some colds and flus are tougher to shake than others however what can help in every case is a steam room. As a preventative and a treatment method, enjoying a steam can produce some really strong health benefits.
When you walk into a steam room to treat cold and flus, it’s more of a preventative than anything. How a steam helps is by elevating the body’s temperature in the same way a fever does. Our bodies don’t know the difference when this elevation happens and they believe it to be a sickness. This activity causes the immune system to kick in, fighting the artificial fever and perceived infection. In time, this makes a person more resistant to illness and strengthens the immune system.
It has long been understood that heat therapy such as that which comes from a steam room successfully boosts the immune system. This occurs primarily due to the boost in production of white blood cells. When a cold or flu hits come fall or winter, your body’s already equipped with everything it needs to fight back and get you back on your feet. This sort of goes against what decades of medicine and research in medicine has told us. The story’s always been ‘Fevers are bad!’ What we’ve come to understand now is, under controlled conditions, fevers are actually very good.
Steam therapy has a number of therapeutic benefits that go beyond increasing immunity, increasing white blood cells, and more. Steam showers have been used for centuries in cultures such as the Japanese, Chinese, Native Americans, Mayans, Romans, and Greeks. The steam is long believed to produce a number of positive benefits. Many will say the hot steam and the sweat it produces is detoxifying, allowing the body to excrete toxins and waste. There are also clear skin benefits to a steam room, allowing a person to look younger and healthier.
We’ve talked all about the prevention of colds and flus but what do you do after you have a sickness? Can you use a steam room when you have a cold or flu – you can, although you absolutely want to be careful. If you have a fever, do not even try it. It can be very dangerous elevating body temperature that high. If you don’t have a fever, a steam room can help. Symptoms or conditions a steam room can assist with include depression, hypertension, any allergies, anxiety, fatigue, aches and pains, sore muscles, respiratory issues, and cardiovascular issues.
A steam room can help you feel better and allow you to either function more comfortably with sickness or help push it out. The underlying power of a steam room comes with the whole host of benefits it provides. By increasing circulation, for example, this helps so much else. By healing muscle soreness, this also helps other aspects of the body. This winter, combat sickness, flus, and colds with a steam room. A recommended 4-7 sessions a week, twenty minutes each, gives chance for you to feel better, look better, and be protected.