So you’ve decided to build your own home infrared sauna. We don’t blame you! Saunas are recognized worldwide for being able to relax, sweat out stress, and deliver some major therapeutic benefits.
Building your own can be a challenge though. There are a lot of questions which you can ask yourself to figure out whether you really want to build a home sauna or whether it’s more advantageous to find alternative installation methods.
Are you confident in your skills as a builder?
Building your own sauna requires you to purchase lumbar and build on your own design. This requires a knowledge of common building practices, access to hand and power tools, and someone to be confident in their abilities. Although it may seem like a smart idea and you may be able to save some money, this isn’t building a bookcase. You’ll need expensive pieces of wood, like cedar, and then, any mistakes you make can be costly. If you want a pre-fabricated DIY sauna kit, this simplifies things considerably. Anyone not 100% confident in their building skills, get a kit. Believe us when we say, it’ll help a great deal!
What size do you want your custom home sauna?
The average home sauna can range in size between 25 and 80 square feet. You can build bigger however if you have a high number of occupants. If you suspect most of your sauna sessions will be you on your own or as a couple, you may opt for a smaller one-person or two-person model. After all, you don’t want wasted space you’ll have to heat. You’ll want to be conscious of the height as well, as heat rises. We generally recommend a maximum ceiling height of 7 feet. When you build a sauna yourself, you have more control over it however even so, a sauna kit can be customized according to size requirements and everything’s already done for you!
What sauna style do you want?
Traditional saunas use more heat and steam to create the environment you want while modern saunas tend to favor using infrared heat. Infrared heat therapy is considered the superior sauna type as it’s more comfortable to use at lower temperatures, have more therapeutic benefits, and they’re dry meaning there’s no bacteria growth or maintenance require for water use or steam. Building your own, we definitely recommend an infrared sauna as they’re easier to install, are easily mounted, and use a third of the energy compared to a non-infrared, traditional saunas.
Should I still build my own sauna or buy a sauna kit?
Sauna kits come with everything you need, from the wood panels to the interior filaments, infrared heating unit, power supply, and more. A sauna kit is going to be easier to work with, in most cases. And, although everything’s pre-cut and ready to go, you still get the satisfaction of setting it up yourself. Consider an infrared home sauna kit and enjoy benefits like a stronger immune system, weight loss, flush the toxins out of your body, make your hair look great, keep your muscles and joints loose, and brighten up your skin.
For infrared saunas, traditional saunas, and steam rooms, contact Steam Sauna today to get set up with everything you need to install your own sauna in your own home. Reap the benefits!