The morning’s a very important time of day. It’s the moments after we wake up that ultimately decide a lot about what our outlook on the day ahead is going to be. Do you want to start off energized or is it a typical slow start – no worries, we’ve been there! Waking up isn’t easy, particularly after a late night.
A lot of people wake up early and plan a morning ritual around a sauna. This isn’t a bad idea, easing a person into their day and starting it off with some pleasure before we delve into work, worries, and all that nasty stuff! Your day to day living’s got to have some balance to it, if you’re hoping to last the distance. Here are some morning sauna rituals to get you off on the right foot!
No rush
Wake up earlier than you have to so that you don’t need to rush. You can move at your leisure, enjoy the serenity and calm, and gently open your eyes to the day ahead.
After you wake, you’ve essentially been fasting for the entire time you were sleeping. Hydrate immediately so that you’ve got some sweat to push out. We recommend a big bottle of water with half of a freshly squeeze lemon and a pinch of maple syrup for something delicious to sip on.
Awaken naturally
It can take some time to train your brain but you don’t want to be pressing the snooze button three or four times a morning. The night before, remind yourself to awaken when you hear your alarm with no snooze involved. You may choose to leave your blinds partially open to let in morning sunlight.
Once you’re inside, your sauna skin is exfoliating and gathering glow. You may choose to combine these efforts with a scrub or moisturizer post-sauna.
Visualize the success ahead
As you sit in your sauna, visualize the day ahead and how you want to feel. See the pleasure, success, and effortlessness ahead. You may hope to use affirmations, declaring the out loud. Inspiration like this can carry a person far.
Sauna with light color therapy can relax you early morning time while also eliminating anything toxic from the body so that you’re good to go with the rest of your day when the time is right!
Set up a playlist of some morning-friendly music to get you in the right headspace. Find tracks which make you dance, happy, or which bring back happy memories. Some saunas or steam rooms have built-in sound systems allowing you to stream your music direct in.
Take the time to dress
Getting dressed up for the day gives you confidence. Do your hair, your skin, your wardrobe, anything else you may want to accessorize your usual look with. Give yourself the proper time to get everything done. No compromises and no rush.
Post-sauna breakfast
Last thing, don’t forget to eat. A protein-rich breakfast is a great kick first thing after a sauna or, should your choose, before a sauna. Blood sugar levels drop overnight and low blood sugar causes irritability – not the best way to start anyone’s morning. A great breakfast boosts metabolism, mood, and energy levels. In the morning, sauna and breakfast should walk hand in hand.