Stress has a huge presence in contemporary life. It’s everywhere from our work to our personal lives. Although a fast-paced life is exciting and comes with its rewards, sometimes even the seemingly most relaxed people want to just escape it all. Hollywood celebrities, corporate America’s biggest names, and the world’s most influential people are under scrutiny and pressure every day. Chronic stress left unaddressed has the potential to lead to heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, digestive disorders, premature aging, and more. As if you didn’t already have enough to worry about!

One way that celebrities, business leaders, and industry figureheads are releasing some of this stress is through regular sauna use. Here’s a little bit about how it works to help rid ourselves from stress. The autonomic nervous system has two gears – ‘sympathetic’ which is more commonly referred to as its fight or flight response, and ‘parasympathetic’ which is to rest and digest. We need both to survive. When we’re faced with a threat, our sympathetic kicks in. Sugar’s released from our liver and cortisol comes from our adrenal glands, feeling sometimes as powerful as a bolt of lightning. Unfortunately today, we perceive threats in everything from being stuck in traffic to reading a negative news story.

Constant stress can weigh down our immune systems, depressing them and creating a loop of cortisol release. The only way to prevent this loop from continuing is through activating the parasympathetic mode. Stepping into an infrared sauna, it’s an activator of your parasympathetic. The blood vessels open, as the infrared wavelengths penetrate the soft tissue. Muscles relax, pain fades away, and the joints calm down. When the body senses this happening, guess what it does – it starts to relax. Breathing slows, blood pressure drops, and you get a sense of positivity. The biggest advantage of infrared saunas, beyond all this, is that to activate the parasympathetic all you need to do is sit there. It doesn’t take much more than that.

It’s sort of become a secret among the elite, to use infrared saunas to help with relaxation and releasing stress. The more one does this, the easier it is to shed stress. Being weighed down by stress is not fun. As saunas are used by some of the world’s most stressed people to help them, there’s no reason you can’t use the same strategy on yourself. Saunas, steam rooms, steam baths, and infrared therapy are all possible options to help get some of that relaxation in. All you need is twenty minutes a day in an infrared sauna, preferably, for no more than 3 times per week. Regulating your sympathetic and parasympathetic system is a major benefit well-worth the investment in time.

When you jump into a sauna, you’re joining some of the world’s most beautiful and healthiest people. Do so today by purchasing your own infrared sauna through Steam Sauna. As one of North America’s top suppliers of steam rooms and saunas, partner with us to put an end to the cascading cortisol routine. Lessen stress, target relaxation, and let your mind and body exist in a healthier place. You don’t need to live every day with the harmful effects of stress. Plain and simple – saunas work to remove that part of life’s equation.

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