Steam rooms, traditional Finnish saunas, and infrared saunas are truly wonderful, gorgeous resources of health. There are more than two dozen health benefits to receive in an infrared sauna, in particular. Despite all the good that can come from a sauna or steam room, pregnant women aren’t recommended to use them and here’s why.

Pregnant women are sure to be tempted by the possibility of sitting in a sauna, and remedying those common aches and pains that come with having to carry a child. That said, extreme caution must be used. Sauna for relaxation and pain relief can work for anyone however any steam room or sauna can potentially cause a condition known as hyperthermia. In pregnant women, the risk is elevated. Hyperthermia is an abnormally high body temperature. Some have compared it to having a fever.

A body temperature of 101 Fahrenheit or above is a cause for concern in pregnant women. Studies have shown there is an increased risk of birth defects if the mother experienced hyperthermia within the first trimester. Becoming overheated and dehydrated in a sauna is a possibility as well. All of this ultimately is the ‘danger zone’ for any pregnancy. For pregnant women, please do not chance it. You need to be very careful and there is so much risk in using saunas during this time of one’s life that it’s not recommended under any means.

Regardless of temperature adjustments or what the humidity level may be, abstain from using a sauna during pregnancy or seek the advice of a healthcare provider prior to continuing with sauna use. If you are experiencing major aches and pains, or want to have something similar to your usual sauna experience, there are other ways to relax during pregnancy without the overheating risk. Taking a warm bath – not one that is scolding hot – is one. An indulging massage is another way to relax. There are also breathing exercises which can be practiced and meditation.

Stress relief and muscle relaxation is important in pregnancy. Every mother-to-be deserves that time. Just don’t go to a sauna for it. There’s not much research published on things like saunas, steam rooms, Jacuzzis, and hot tubs on pregnancy however the risks are well understood. Hormonal changes are happening, blood supply has likely increased to the skin, and you may unknowingly be warmer than normal during pregnancy. Adding a sauna to this is dangerous. As sauna and steam room sellers, we cannot support the safety of using any sauna during a pregnancy.

To this point, avoid any situation wherein you may overheat. Pregnant women even want to be careful of extremely hot baths. You may not realize how high your temperature is however the baby certainly can feel it. Remember, when you’re in an environment of heat, the body’s not able to lose any of it through sweating. Therefore, your core body temperature just rises and continues to rise until you leave. In the first trimester, avoid these situations.

Steam Sauna is a world-class seller of premiere quality steam rooms, infrared saunas, and traditional saunas. We want to see all of our customers enjoy their product however to do so safely for themselves and their families. For more information on where you can purchase your own sauna for post-pregnancy weight loss and wellness, visit us today.

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