The power of heat stresses on the body have been extensively studied by scientists. Every study has concluded that, when done with an appropriate temperature, one can bolster the immune system simply through the application of heat.
Regular sessions in a steam bath initiate a mechanism that stimulates innate and adaptive immunity. Although scientists are still studying precisely how these mechanisms work and what’s affected, what is known is that numerous immune-related effects transpire and multiple pathways in immune function are positively altered simply through steam room heat exposure.
Oftentimes, how immune system function is measured is in its response to infection. As we know to be the case, steam rooms fight infection by momentarily boosting immune system response. Through regular exposure, this boost can become elevated and somewhat permanent.
Testing this theory, a study analyzed participants with the common cold. Divided into two, one group used a steam room once or twice a week while the other group did not have any sort of heat exposure like this. What researchers found was a significant reduction in the incidences of the common cold. More specifically, this multi-month study found no difference in the first three months and then, throughout the second three months, the likelihood of contracting a cold among the group using the steam room fell by more than 50 percent.
This is not the only steam room immune system response we know of, either. For example, high steam temperatures easily kill infectious microbes on the skin which is why infrared saunas and steam rooms are commonly recommended for certain skin infections. For hard-to-treat chronic infections, there has also been suggestions a steam room can help to fight these and improve symptoms. Needless to say, there’s still a lot to learn about how the immune system can be bolstered through a steam room but from the information we do have, there’s a lot of promise with this technology.
Lastly, there’s some evidence that its effect on the nervous system combined with the immune system response could mean steam rooms to be effective at improving the symptoms of some autoimmune conditions. Things like Type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis are notoriously difficult to treat however with a steam room, overactive responses in the body are calmed or suppressed in some persons. Although this is once again an area requiring more study, this is another major health benefit of a steam room to be taken into consideration by anyone who’s sick and with difficult-to-control symptoms.
Steam rooms have been used by cultures around the world to keep their population healthy. Native American sweat lodges, ancient Turkish baths, and Finnish steam houses are just a few examples. Through regular exposure, a steam room helps to fine-tune the body’s systematic responses and its overall functioning. Blood circulation is helped along, the immune system’s boosted, muscle tension is reduced, and the heat stimulates a lot of positive effects throughout the body.
If you believe you have a weak immune system, are battling a cold or flu, or if you are interested in strengthening your immune system, a hot steam bath or some time in a steam room may be worth your time. Though it may take months to receive the full benefit, most people find major advantages to regular steam room sessions.