Kidney disease is a real concern for adults, with many of us living with kidney disease without knowing we have it. Sadly, kidney disease can be virtually unnoticeable until the symptoms progress to such a degree that the condition can no longer be managed.
Symptoms of the kidney disease can include nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, weakness and fatigue, the swelling of feet and ankles, high blood pressure, muscle twitching, difficulty sleeping, shortness of breath, and even chest pain.
Kidney disease can also worsen alongside other conditions and lifestyle choices such as smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or obesity. Kidneys are North America’s ninth deadliest killer. Though we might not think of the kidneys often, they’re so important to our bodies. They filter our blood, direct red blood cell production, regulate blood pressure, filter waste from the blood, balance our body fluids, and regulate our salt, potassium, and acid content.
Fortunately, an infrared sauna can help. The kidneys help to detoxify but sometimes, it can be overwhelmed. When you jump into a sauna, you can turn on your skin’s detoxification mechanisms, employing heat and sweating to relieve toxicity in the body which will take some pressure off the kidneys. The benefits of sweating in an infrared sauna are well understood. If you have kidney disease, a sauna can help even more.
Don’t let a sauna be the only thing you do for your kidneys. The kidneys are maintained through diet and activity. Some absolutely excellent foods for the kidneys include grapes, cranberries, blueberries, onions, celery, beets, spinach, asparagus, string beans, apples, eggplants, rice, pears, peas, peppers, and zucchini. Kidney disease is unfortunately one of the several conditions considered ‘silent killers’. You’ll only feel it once it’s close to too late and no one wants to be in that position.
Saunas have a number of benefits attached to them, including weight loss, improving circulation, positively impacting heart health, and detoxification. In this day and age, we are exposed to toxins more than generations past and some will argue our bodies are not equipped to handle this amount of toxins. After all, our liver and kidneys can only do so much. An infrared sauna for kidneys can treat the level of toxicity in your body before it becomes a problem. Do yourself a favor and begin with a few sauna sessions a week, no more than thirty minutes each. See how you feel two weeks in and note if there’s a difference. For some people, it’s going to be life-changing the impact an infrared sauna can have on their health.
A healthy lifestyle today is the only way to guard against potential fatal diseases and conditions in the future. If you have some concerns about the health of your kidneys or if it’s a disease a relative is struggling with, an infrared sauna, steam room, or Finnish sauna is one thing you can combat the likelihood of you going through the same experience with.
Browse North America’s best infrared saunas and steam rooms from Steam Sauna today. Unbeknownst to you, the level of toxicity in your body could be higher than you think. Take the pressure off the internal organs by getting started on an infrared sauna routine today. Speak with a representative for more information.