There’s a lot said about detoxification but rarely do we hear information on how our bodies become so toxic in the first place. To be clear, toxins are any poisonous substance the result of metabolic activities and therefore, is anything harmful to our bodies. There are two primary categories of toxins – ‘internal toxins’ and ‘external toxins’.
Internal toxins are those which are naturally produced inside the body. Every day, our bodies constantly use energy to rebuild body tissue and replace cells. As this happens, we produce waste. That waste, otherwise referred to as toxins, needs to be broken down, recycled, and eliminated. Now, our bodies have some amazing internal detoxification processes which work to automatically eliminate this waste. That said, if there’s excessive build-up, that’s not something a body can always handle. If toxins are not processed, they end up clogging the system, setting in to cause damage to tissue, organs, and cells.
External toxins are those outside the body which are ingested or absorbed. Entering in through food, water, air, or by physical contact, they can be chemical or microbial. There’s Bisphenol A and phthalates, referred to as BPA, which we receive from cheap plastic drinking bottles. Environmental toxins such as smog, airborne particulates, and smoke can enter into our bodies and mess up our eyes, lungs, and sinuses. Then, there are household chemicals, such as surface cleaners which emit dangerous fumes to concentrate in small, enclosed areas. Pet products sometimes contain toxic elements as well.
There are several signs your body is overly toxic. If you have trouble losing weight, know toxins naturally gravitate towards the fatty areas of the body. These toxins are called lipophilip and include PCBs, dioxins, and pesticides. If you’re tired a lot of the time even though you’re getting well enough rest, that could be a sign your adrenal glands aren’t working which presents as unexplained exhaustion. Another long-term effect of toxin build-up can be chronic stress, like sleepiness and fatigue. Frequent headaches are another sign that you may have too much artificial sweeteners, MSGs, or food preservatives in your diet.
The answer to these struggles is detoxification which is essentially a way to force the removal of poisonous substances from the body. The body’s natural detoxification system includes the liver which is where toxins are stored and processed prior to elimination, in addition to the intestines, kidneys, lungs, lymph nodes, and skin. The best way to kick natural systems into high gear is to hydrate, eat more fiber, exercise regularly, and use a sauna.
Saunas initiate sweating. Toxins can be eliminated from the body through sweat. An infrared sauna used on a regular basis is an excellent way to remove metals and toxins quickly. As little as twenty minutes is all that’s required. Three to five sessions a week can provide your body the chance to detoxify and purify itself. You’ll find yourself feeling and looking better than you probably have in a long time.
So if you’re looking to engage the body’s natural ability to detoxify through the skin and take some of the load off from your internal organs, speak with a representative at Steam Sauna today. Purchase your own steam room, traditional wet/dry sauna, or infrared sauna. Detoxify in the most relaxing way possible and begin reaping the benefits after only a few sessions.