No miracle cure exists for weight loss but what comes pretty close is a dedicated sauna routine. In a sauna, all a person needs to do is sit. By the minute, calories are being lost. Saunas are an effective and safe weight loss weapon that shouldn’t be discounted. If you’re struggling to lose weight and are looking for a way to get things moving faster without risking your health, we recommend trying a sauna.

The difficult part of weight loss is that if a person loses weight too fast, it can be tough keeping it off. It’s also highly likely you will regain those pounds shed. An effective solution is to lose weight slowly and through lifestyle changes you can continue to maintain. For some people, this is switching up nutrition, going to the gym, and yes, using a sauna. In fact, there are four primary sauna weight loss benefits you can look forward to.


Saunas can help to regular lipids – including fat and cholesterol – through deep infrared heat. Blood flow increases and detoxification processes set in. You may notice a reduction in the appearance of cellulite as well. The reducing in weight happen slowly but it won’t be long before you notice the changes. Using an infrared sauna regularly can lead to a significantly decrease in LDL cholesterol – the bad kind – as well as a slight increase in HDL which is the good kind. These results are similar to what is experienced with physical exercise.

Calorie burn!

When you increase heat, you increase metabolic rate and hence, more calories are burned through a sauna or steam room. Realistically speaking, don’t expect to burn 100s of calories in minutes – it doesn’t work like that. Burning calories happens through a slight boost to your sedentary calorie burning rate. To calculate how many calories you’ve burned in a sauna, multiple your Basal Metabolic Rate (BR) by 1.5 for the amount of time you were in. As some studies have found, you also burn more calories post-workout as the benefits of your workout are prolonged via a sauna.

Muscles and joint pain relief.

If when you exercise, you experience muscle and joint pain, this can be an understandable deterrent to getting you back in the gym and moving around. If you have a lot of aches and pains, an infrared sauna for weight loss will get your heart rate up and you won’t have to do a thing except sit there. Also, as saunas are known to increase mobility, you may find that you’re able to do more aerobic exercise in time. Infrared heat penetrates deep into the muscles and tendons, resulting in increased production of white blood cells which are known to reduce inflammation. It’s a win-win for both weight loss and pain relief!

Better sleep.

The last weight loss benefit with a sauna is that it will help your sleep. Sleep plays a huge role in weight regulation. A lack of sleep can lead to more cravings and seeking out unnecessary food for energy. Less sleep can also trigger stress and anxiety which can trigger unhealthy eating. Saunas help you unwind and gives your body a sense of calm which will translate over to more quality sleep.

Get your own infrared sauna today for at home to begin seeing the weight loss benefits. Remember to start slow and work your way up. Try five minutes and gradually increase to 20 minutes. You don’t need much more than that. Get your own sauna or steam room today from Steam Sauna.

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