Some people don’t enjoy their time in a steam room or sauna which is admittedly oftentimes because they have too much on their mind or because they’re not giving themselves a real opportunity to relax.
Unfortunately, this is very common however as the experts in saunas will tell you, you’ve got to give yourself the time to relax not only the physical body but the mind as well. No matter how much time you’ve set for yourself in a sauna, it should be an experience where you’re not responsible for anything outside of your presence there. Put away the phone, forget about work, don’t think about your responsibilities or what’s weighing you down, and just clear your mind.
How to enjoy your steam room or sauna and getting into the headspace of enjoying the experience, you may wish to start by taking a shower. This helps to settle your mind but is also a great hygiene tool. If your skin is wet before you head into a steam room or sauna, it’s generally thought the experience will be a little more pleasant. That said, you may prefer to go in with dry skin – this is another option. A bench cover or towel to sit on can also help keep your position comfortable.
Something else to keep in mind is you cannot rush perspiration. It takes time to form, no matter how high the temperature is. To this point, raising the temperature is not going to speed up anything except your discomfort. Also, making a sauna’s temperature too high will mean the sweat drying as soon as it’s created on the surface of your skin. Another thing we recommend is to not go immediately from a hot sauna or steam room to a cold shower. That’s a sudden temperature change that your body doesn’t need. It needs time to adjust and cooling off post-sauna is important.
After you’re done your sauna, you may also want to jump back in the shower and rinse away all that sweat. The sweat that comes to the surface of your skin also indicates your pores are open, sebum’s probably been secreted, and there’s likely a healthy amount of bacteria on you. Jumping into a shower, you want to use just a little bit of soap to help wash away all this unhealthiness and toxicity that’s been brought to the surface. You don’t need a lot of soap however a little bit is better than a quick rinse before getting back to your day. In some cases, steam room and sauna users will repeat this shower-sauna-shower pattern up to three times. You may hope to do the same if you’re seeking to make your skin feel more refreshed and/or looking to detoxify.
Coming out, grab something to drink to replenish some of what you’ve lost but remember not to get dressed until your perspiration has stopped altogether. Don’t be in a hurry to get out of there. You don’t want sweat gathering in the pockets of your shirt or pants. If you want time to enjoy being in a steam room or sauna, give yourself the time to do so.
Shop your next steam room or sauna at Steam Sauna. As one of North America’s top suppliers of saunas and steam rooms, you’d be amazed at how well our saunas work to slow things down, relax anyone inside, and provide optimum health benefits. Get yours today.