Many of your body’s functions and systems are regulated by the autonomic nervous system. This system includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. They are responsible for maintaining your heartbeat, respiratory rate, digestion, and many other functions. All of this happens without any conscious intervention on your part. The two systems have a complex relationship, sometimes working together and sometimes one inhibits the other. Allergic reactions are caused by a weak parasympathetic system. This causes the nervous system to overreact.

These reactions are in response to stimuli that don’t warrant the response. Stuffiness and sneezing serve specific purposes in your immune system and help keep you healthy when everything is working right. An allergic reaction applies these solutions to in harmless situations that it considers hazardous. Some of the most common allergies are animal dander, dust, and pollen. These particles are harmless, but your body sees them as a threat. If your nervous system isn’t operating properly these benign intruders can cause severe and sometimes deadly reactions.

Those who suffer from allergies have a variety of ways they deal with their affliction. Many simply avoid whatever it is they’re allergic too. This might mean staying indoors in the spring or not owning pets. Others find that unacceptable and turn to allergy medication. These medications often have other side effects that can inhibit the allergy patients’ ability to enjoy their lives. There are a variety of other immunotherapy treatments available. These treatments vary wildly in their degree of success. New evidence suggests that infrared sauna can be an effective treatment.

Recent research into the matter suggests that allergy treatment using infrared saunas is a promising approach. Findings suggest that treatment can help to modify and regulate the autonomic nervous system. Given that the ANS is responsible for the development of allergies, this regulation can vastly alleviate allergy sufferer’s symptoms. Studies were undertaken to measure these effects. The key factors that were studied were heart rate variability, a measure of nervous system response, nasal inspiratory flow, and lung function.

Treatment for as little as 6 weeks was shown to have a marked effect on allergy symptoms. Lung function and nasal flow were both significantly increased by the treatment. The patients were only required to use sauna 3 days a week, for about 10 minutes each session. The improvement with such little time investment was truly astounding. Measurements of the ANS showed that it was operating more smoothly, with the overactive part being reduced and the underactive part increasing in activity. This simple infrared sauna treatment is a very promising therapy.

The treatment also has been shown to improve other conditions relating to the body’s respiratory system. Studies have shown that patients suffering from asthma and chronic bronchitis are also potential patients for this therapy. A wide variety of symptoms can be alleviated by this treatment. Itching of the nose or eyes and sneezing can be greatly reduced using infrared saunas. At this time there aren’t any apparent side effects to the treatment that have been discovered by the studies. Infrared sauna treatment can bring relief to many.

Speak with Steam Sauna today to get hooked up with a steam room, infrared sauna, or similar wet-dry traditional sauna. You’ll be highly surprised at what an infrared sauna can do to remedy allergies.

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