Heat therapy’s benefits are oftentimes associated with the physical benefits but there’s actually several mental health benefits which are worth noting. In a steam room or sauna, brain health is supported and protected from the perils of age, stress, and numerous conditions. As it turns out, regular sauna use can be the mental health therapy you never thought you knew you needed.

Anything related to the brain can be positively affected by regular sauna use. Lower your risk of stroke, as an example. A study published monitoring Finnish middle-aged men and women uncovered a lowering of stroke risk by as much as 60 percent on average for people who used saunas 4-7 times a week. If strokes are something you believe you’re at high-risk for, an infrared sauna is something to weigh.

Another study delves into the impact heat therapy from a steam room or sauna can have on Alzheimer’s and dementia risks. Studying middle-aged men, the study found using a sauna 4-7 times a week resulted in the likelihood of developing a memory disease being lowered by 60 percent. Why this is believed the case is because the effect sauna heat can have on the cardiovascular system and the relaxation that it provides the body.

Every day, we’re hit by the stresses of everyday life. Saunas are an escape, stimulating relaxation in exciting ways and calming our minds. It can provide an immediate release from stress, studies have found. There’s also evidence suggesting heat therapy can increase the function of serotonin, a pleasure hormone. Assuming this is how it works for a person with depression, a steam room or sauna may have some use in their treatment.

Mental health struggles are not generally taken as seriously as physical ailments are and when they’re viewed in the medical system, people are often prescribed antidepressants and pharmaceuticals – some of which work and some don’t. These medications come with risks evidently and if they don’t work, all you’re getting are those risks. For someone struggling with anxiety or depression, a sauna can be an alternative.

In this day and age, we’re even installing them in our homes. Infrared dry saunas, which do not require a water source, are relatively inexpensive, easy to set up, and allow you 24/7 access to something which could have significant benefit. In addition, it’ll help you physically. If you believe your physical health influences your mental health and vice versa, as numerous studies have theorized and proven to a degree, a sauna may produce even more positive consequences than initially thought.

If you don’t believe it can help, we recommend trying it. All it takes is two or three sessions in a week. See how you feel and if you notice any difference, mentally or physically. For some, the difference can be massive. For anyone struggling with mental health and who does not want to begin on a medication regimen, consider trying a steam room, infrared dry sauna, or traditional Finnish-style sauna. The results will speak for themselves.

For more information on you can buy your own steam room, infrared dry sauna, or traditional sauna, visit Steam Sauna today. A representative would be happy to talk to you about what’s most appropriate to your mental health needs and personal preferences.

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