Saunas have come a long way in the past few decades. We’ve moved away from traditional saunas to advanced infrared heat therapy systems. This has happened for many reasons, predominantly because of the health benefits associated with infrared technology. This isn’t the only reason however. The history of infrared technology says a lot about why it came to be the go-to for saunas.
Infrared heat is essentially infrared light. Infrared light has a longer wavelength than the longest wavelength visible to the human eye. In fact, over 75 percent of the sun’s rays are infrared. This heat’s taken in and radiated through the body. Centuries ago, we began to understand the temperatures that exist in color. It was previously thought red was the longest wavelength that existed. Over time however, it was discovered there was much more to temperature in color. Energy given off of what was found to be infrared light wasn’t visible but could be seen with certain cameras.
Fast forward to the twentieth century, and we began to see infrared heat included in various appliances. Infrared, after all, is radiant heat. In medical facilities, it began to be tested and also used for healing and to assist with injury recovery. Infrared has gone on to evolve into a phenomenon. It is used today in everything from toaster ovens to space heaters, grills, and more. How it found its way into saunas has to do with demand. People wanted saunas in their homes and in their gyms, hotels, medical facilities, spas, and elsewhere. A traditional sauna however is more expensive, sometimes difficult to install, and costs a lot to operate. Comparatively, infrared’s much cheaper, easier to install, and easier to maintain in general.
Infrared technology has long been known to be very beneficial to the mind and body as well. As mentioned, infrared saunas have cheaper utility bills because it takes less power and electricity to operate. This is not only because of an efficient design but also because infrared saunas heat generally between 120 to 150 degrees compared to a traditional non-infrared sauna which can sometimes go as high as 195 degrees. Also, with a traditional sauna, you’re heating the environment. With an infrared sauna, you’re using targeted rays to heat you from the inside out. This means you’re getting a deeper penetration of the benefits of infrared heat therapy without necessarily having to put yourself through the same temperature.
After the positives of infrared were discovered, it was only a matter of time before they started to be used on people and the easiest way to do so evidently is through an infrared sauna. This technology uses light to create heat instead of a generator. As infrared continues to be used in appliances from our kitchen to our washrooms, it’s having a positive impact on health while also saving energy. It’s also brought down the cost of what’s required to have a sauna at home. Now almost anyone can have an infrared sauna installed in their own home. Pricing’s never been better.
Are you looking to install a sauna for your home? Talk with the experts at Steam Sauna. We’re happy to help recommend the most appropriate, cost-effective sauna for your property. Add value while improving quality of life for you and your loved ones. Get set up with your own personalized sauna today.