Delivering more oxygen throughout your body has many benefits. To effectively accomplish increased oxygen delivery, increasing one’s red blood cell count does it. Surprising to some, a steam room has the potential to increase your red blood cell count which helps muscles and tissues receive oxygen and healing. If you’re an athlete straining in workouts and athletic performance, suffering from a chronic condition, or are in poor health, this may be the answer you need.
The more oxygen delivered to the cells, the more energy they have. This improves brain performance, physical performance, and athletic endurance. Do you remember the scandal surrounding the Tour de France? This involved athletes injecting their own stored blood into themselves, increasing their red blood cell count, in addition to injecting erythropoietin (EPO) to stimulate the body’s production of more red blood cells. Another way to stimulate these advantages are to train at altitude. All this was done to increase energy and endurance.
Steam room use, some scientists have concluded, mirror the effects of training at altitude. It’s believed this effect on red blood cell count comes from an increase in plasma volume, i.e. the overall amount of fluid in one’s blood vessels. This is seen as a way the body adapts to sweating so much. Then, the body increases the amount of red blood cells to keep the concentration of red blood cells at an optimum level in accordance with the plasma surrounding it. At the end of the day, steam rooms help increase stamina, endurance, perceived exertion during exercise, and overall energy.
Oxygen-carrying red blood cells improve athletic performance. This is one of the many ways steam rooms are tied to athletics. The aforementioned EPO is produced naturally in the body. This hormone is released by the kidneys and causes the body’s bone marrow to pump out more red blood cells. Any sort of boost in red blood cells means a boost in oxygen. Scientists continue to study steam room-related and unrelated effects on increases in red blood cell count as a means of reducing fatigue in people. Although it won’t increase strength with regards to the maximum strength a muscle can exert, more oxygen does mean the muscle will work longer.
If you’re an athlete looking to increase their endurance or someone suffering from an illness like kidney disease, it may be worth asking your doctor about the possibility of using a steam room to increase red blood cell count. The athletes who have seen the most benefit from this type of increase in endurance tied to a steam room are those where endurance is required, such as long-distance runners, swimmers, cyclists, and triathlon participants.
The body is only meant to give so much energy, to provide so much endurance, and to deliver only so much strength. When your body is unable to produce enough red blood cells, this has serious consequences. If you’re concerned about your red blood cell count or if you want to attempt to use a steam room to increase athletic endurance, consult with a physician first.
Would you like to use a steam room to increase your body’s overall stamina – if so, definitely give it try. Shop with Steam Sauna for the best quality steam rooms in North America. Keep a diary. See what happens after a few weeks. Do you feel any different? Athletes from all walks of life use a steam room to produce all sorts of positives for themselves. See the difference in performance today.