This summer, don’t forget to spend time in a sauna to keep you happy and healthy. The hottest temperatures of the year are right around the corner and now’s the time to begin making encompassing, healthy choices to live your best life.

Don’t underestimate the importance of self-care. In fact, every day’s an opportunity to treat yourself by investing the time into being more mindful and to be nice to yourself. Here are some important summer self-care tips you can combine with a sauna to keep your wellness in top shape.

Stay positive.

Negativity can weigh a person down. For situations transpiring that are out of your control, maintaining a sense of negativity about them benefits no one. Boost your happiness and empowerment this summer by focusing on the positives.


Massage therapy is a fine way to help relax the muscles, lower stress, and reward yourself for sticking to your health and wellness goals. Many of the benefits of steam rooms and saunas also overlap.


For 1-2 hours a day, set aside the time to disconnect from your smartphone, tablet, social media, and email. Constant connection to these avenues are associated with an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and disturbed sleep. If you want to be well this summer, you need time far away from these elements.


The art of mindfulness in meditation calms the mind and can soothe the soul. Meditation can minimize stress, help sharpen one’s emotional processing, and can have a positive effect on mental health.

Read a book.

Don’t do it on the e-reader or cell phone. Buy a good old-fashioned hard or soft cover book. Reading’s been shown to help the brain’s ability to think, analyze, and understand concepts. Reading’s also a great sleep aid – as long as it’s a real one and not a screen.


Being grateful about the positives happening in your life is a big step towards accepting a healthier you. Some may even want to start a list of all the things they are grateful for. It doesn’t have to be lengthy. Just simple reminders of what’s worth your gratitude is all it needs.

Have a nap.

Catch a nap when you’re feeling tired but limit it to 30 minutes a day. Use it strategically as a refresher, possibly in the afternoon. As your body gets used to it, it will become a nice way to increase sleep while giving you an extra kick to your day-to-day routine.

Don’t forget about the sauna!

We know when the heat’s on mid-summer, you may not be thinking about jumping into an even hotter room. Don’t neglect the powerful impact an infrared sauna or steam room can have. A high quality infrared sauna in your home will help detoxify the body in controlled conditions, providing you an easy and convenient way to keep your body’s systems working in tip-top shape.

Don’t let summer be a time to party, pursue behaviours that will just make you unhappy in the long run, and forget about your health and wellness goals. Stay on track and act mindfully with your own Steam Sauna. As you prioritize your growth and health, people will take notice. From spending time in a sauna to being grateful about the little things in your life, have an absolutely terrific summer!

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