The average American with a full-time job will work 47 hours a week. More than 40 percent of us work schedules of 50 hours a week and more. In Europe, they take on average 28 days off in paid vacation a year while in the United States, we only 14. Even some of us who are on part-time contracts end up working full-time hours.

This all leaves us with little time to relax and puts a lot of stress on our minds and bodies. Although infrared saunas for stress relief can work wonders, to achieve a healthy work-life balance you need more. Thankfully, our customers have several techniques and tips they want to share. For best practices in achieving an ideal work-life balance, here’s the answer.

Don’t say yes to everything.

Saying ‘yes!’ to every request and every project will fill your schedule. At times, you’ve got find it within you to turn things down and be ok with that. You’re not giving up any ground or “losing” anything. You’re giving yourself the opportunity to relax and, perhaps more importantly, to recharge your batteries before you hit up your next work opportunity.

Stick to a calendar.

If you aren’t already committed to maintaining a calendar, start today. Segment your days into 24 hours with defined areas for work. A calendar on your smartphone is probably the best move as you can take it with you. This way, you know when you’re overbooking yourself and can eliminate stress before it even occurs.

Scheduling ‘you time’.

A calendar is not an opportunity to fill up every hour with something. No, instead leave spaces blank frequently. This is time for you. Sit on the couch and watch TV, lounge on your patio and read a book, take a nap, or hit up a steam room or infrared sauna to burn some calories. It’s entirely up to you. Blank spaces are for being lazy and assigning to you time to decompress.

Analyze your downtime.

In the same way you wouldn’t waste any time getting to work, don’t waste time in your off-work time. Analyze how you spend your lazy time. See if you need to add something in or take it out. For example, can you cut down your gym routine and shave off 15 minutes of it to put towards something else – a lot of people would say yes. Consider every decision you make and ask whether you’re putting your most into it.

Friends and family.

We all need connection. Life’s ups and downs aren’t worth it, otherwise. If you don’t have anyone you can rely on to be there for you, find family members, colleagues, or make new friends or acquaintances. From time to time, we all need someone. As relaxing as sitting in a steam room can be, sometimes the only way to relieve stress is to talk it out with a friend.

Buying a steam room or a sauna is a commitment to living a healthier, more balanced life. Evaluate how you live yours and shift towards the positives. Don’t let every waking moment go towards your work. You need time for you. Browse Steam Sauna’s catalogue today for more information into the steam rooms, saunas, and infrared saunas available to help.

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