Visiting a steam room, a lot of us will go to relax but did you know there are dozens of health benefits you’re tapping into with every session – it’s true! While steam rooms relax the body and mind, there’s so much more to moist heat therapy than that. Here are the top 10 health benefits to steam rooms which shouldn’t be forgotten.
After fitness, your muscles are in need of healing and recovery. Relax your muscles and achieve the gains you’re striving for. Steam rooms have actually been shown to help muscles grow quicker and help the body recover faster, helping you get back into the gym for another session.
Body tension.
Saunas and steam rooms both are excellent at helping joint pain and minimizing the effects of tension headaches. That’s because they relax the whole of the body. The heat soothes nerve endings and de-stresses muscles, calming down every internal system we have.
Weight loss.
Regular steam room visits can aid in maintaining a healthy weight. Although a lot of what you temporarily lose is water weight however long-term, you can slowly and safely lose weight in a steam room by improving the efficiency of your body’s calorie-burning systems.
Clear skin.
A steam room cleans out skin impurities, blackheads, dirty pores, and dead skin cells. For some people, it’s also a very effective acne treatment. Your skin will look glowing after a single steam room session.
Moist heat opens up the sinuses and thins out the mucous membranes which is great for anyone suffering from a respiratory condition. Loosening mucus, you can breathe easier. Steam rooms can treat colds and resolve congestion almost instantly.
You don’t just walk away with clearer skin but you detoxify your whole system. Sweating, you release waste products from the body through your pores. Things like metals and toxins which could be weighing you down with any number of symptoms are slowly pushed out.
Blood flow.
Your capillaries dilate when they are exposed to the heat of a steam room or sauna. Blood circulation increases, transporting nutrients and oxygen more effectively to all areas. This speeds up healing and helps the body in all sorts of ways, including helping pain in some cases.
Endorphins are released at a high number when you sit in a steam room while cortisol levels fall. Steam rooms are essentially an exercise in relaxation, rejuvenation, and achieving a calm you may not find outside of this environment.
Get more flexible! A steam room naturally relieves stiff muscles, joints, and tendons. The heat penetrates deep into the body where you’re most stiff. It can make you more fluid and loose, helping you in your workout should you decide to use a steam room pre-workout.
It’s Fun.
A steam room, like a sauna, is a social and fun place to go alone or with friends. As you see all these health benefits kick in, it can be exciting. Have fun with it! Stick to your schedule and you will see your body start to change.
Are you looking for a steam room in Canada or the US? Buy your own from Steam Sauna. The health benefits don’t just stop here. You can relieve pain, improve symptoms, and achieve ultimate health! Get your own and begin on a session plan to see the difference it makes.