There are many different sauna types and steam room types available in today’s marketplace, inspired by world cultures far and wide. Here are a few of the most popular sauna types in the world.
Dry Aroma Sauna
Dry aroma saunas are similar to older steam rooms where burning wood is used to heat stones inside the sauna. In some cases, an electric stove may be peferred for heating in a dry aroma sauna environment. Dry aroma saunas are recommended for people with chronic respiratory conditions like sinusitis, pharyngitis, and bronchitis. It’ll also help improve circulation, promote immunity, and help the restoration of the nervous and muscular systems.
Russian Banya Sauna
Banyas heat air and water to steam conditions, similar to other baths. Some key differences are that Russian Banya saunas tend to have multiple shelves, with the top shelf having the highest temperature. A collection of dried branches are also used in a Russian sauna to fan the host steam from above closer to the body. Experienced Russian sauna users regularly use Banyas to ensure steam with 100 degrees Celsius and 100% humidity.
Salt Steam Room
A salt steam room is based on municipal Roman baths from 2,500 years ago. Salt is believed to have a positive effect on skin and the respiratory organs. In this iteration, healing salts are used to saturate the steam, dispersing salt across the room and supporting immunity, relieving the body from toxins, and activating the body’s natural healing processes.
Finnish Dry Sauna
Finnish dry saunas are one of the most popular types used in the world. Widespread in Scandinavian countries, in a Finnish sauna, heat is emitted from hot stones. As a rule, humidity’s always kept low somewhere around 15 percent of lower – hence the name ‘dry sauna’. This type of high heat sauna is known to expel toxins from the body, clear up the skin, stimulate the immune system, and train a stronger heart.
Turkish Baths
Otherwise referred to as Hammam, Turkish baths are public baths popular in countries like Syria, Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, and more. Join friends in a sauna room and take in this popular high-end spa treatment found all over the world.
Eucalyptus Aroma Steam Room
In an eucalyptus aromatic steam room, natural oils are added to an environment of 100% humidity and up to 70 Celsius in temperature. If you are highly sensitive to smells or associate negative emotions to certain smells, you may want to avoid this sauna type. For a eucalyptus aromatic steam room, aromatherapy plays a feature roll which is the primary difference between it and a hot Roman steam room.
Hot Roman Steam Room
A Roman steam room maintains high temperatures and high humidity. Very popular in the era of the Roman Empire, these steam rooms were used in the morning to provide energy and in evenings to engage in relaxation. As it turns out, not much has changed since then. Roman steam rooms are used today for the very same reason, as well as assisting with weight loss, skin rejuvenation, and detoxification.
For more information on where to get your very own steam room, sauna, or dry sauna, speak with a representative at Steam Sauna. As one of North America’s top distributors of saunas, we can help connect you to the precise experience you’re looking for!