How to take care of your skin in the summer months can be challenging with the hot, dry sun taking over. To keep you healthy and glowing, the key is to avoid your skin becoming dry and damaged. Too much sun can be an issue hard to get around however to protect your skin, there are several things you can do to moisturize and maintain vibrant skin.

Limit skin exposure

The best thing for your skin – yet most unpopular – is to limit sun exposure. A little sun is ok. Hours on-end of sun isn’t. Sun exposure leads to sun damage and dryness. If you must spend hours in front of the sun, be sure to have protection.

Wear sunscreen

A top recommendation for summer skincare is to use sunscreen frequently. When you sunburn, it’s painful and damaging to the long-term health of your skin. Every sunburn has the potential to increase your chance of skin cancer. UV rays affect the genetic makeup of our skin cells. Sun exposure’s a risk. Wear at least SPF 30 sunscreen while in the sun. Apply 30 minutes before your exposure and re-apply every 2 hours.


Every face in the summer months can use some moisturizer. Moisturizer with SPF adds extra protection. Before heading to bed, use a natural face cream to help replenish your skin with nutrients while you sleep. Avoid thick moisturizers which could clog pores. Instead, choose something all-natural or see if you can make something homemade.


Heat and dry summer conditions may result in dull, dry skin. A light exfoliator will constantly be bringing fresh and glowing skin to the surface. Abrasive exfoliants however can irritate so be careful with what brand you choose. If you’re a woman, exfoliating your legs once a week can also give you a cleaner shave and is a skincare recommendation worth starting if you feel this is an issue. Thankfully, there are several homemade exfoliants scrubs and all-natural online recipes which can work wonders at keeping you looking your best, even in the driest heat!

Infrared saunas

Another way to protect your skin while also moisturizing and strengthening it is to use infrared saunas to get rid of dirt and toxins which build up there. Sunscreen, pools, used beach towels, even our own sweat. They all come with the possibility of toxins which can cause acne and breakouts if not washed away.

Stepping into an infrared sauna for summer skin, you sweat out the toxins, remove deeply embedded impurities, and eliminate dead skin cells. Clean, glowing skin is achievable through summer as long as you stick with a steady routine of sauna visits. When you step out, you wipe away everything you’ve produced and then, apply a cleanser to avoid clogging your pores again.

After-sun skincare

Even if you follow all prevention strategies, you may still end up with a sunburn. If you do get a sunburn, proper care can reduce healing time while helping with the visibility and pain as well. Should you have a sunburn, take a cool shower or bath to soothe the skin. Be cautious with any warmth or heat as this will bring out the pain and could slow healing. Only light cleansers or moisturizers should be used to avoid irritation. Aloe is a popular sunburn remedy as it has moisturizing and cooling properties which help a ton with comfort.

Even with the heat this summer, don’t forget to take the time to enjoy a session in your infrared sauna or steam room. Your skin will thank you a hundred times over!

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