Chromotherapy is another term to call ‘color light therapy’ which applies colored lighting to restore balance in the body. Chromotherapy in a sauna enhances the wellness element, under the assumption that each color in the alphabet of shades and hues is associated with a body response. There’s actually something to this, as color therapy has been scientifically tested and has been used to treat different medical conditions across ancient civilizations in Egypt, India, China, and is still used to this day in hospitals all over the world.


Every color vibrates at a different frequency and certain colors can affect our body’s circulatory system. Chromotherapy used correctly in a sauna, which also helps circulation, can help lower blood pressure and regulate one of your body’s fundamental systems.

Accelerated healing

Color light treatment in a sauna accelerates the body’s repair functions. LED light therapy has already been used to heal post-surgical scars, burns, wounds, and more. Hospitals around the world are beginning to see the benefits of using light.


Yes, colors impact mood. On the spectrum, different colors elicit different feelings or responses. Light stimulates the endochrine system, helping to regulate hormone imbalances, help with seasonal changes, and even assist in minimizing depression.

Chronic pain relief

Chromotherapy can reduce swelling, muscle tension, and other symptoms associated with chronic pain. In some patients, this type of color therapy has been shown to produce significant benefits, as has infrared sauna therapy. Together, they might be the perfect combination to resolve your pain.

Improved sleep

As color light therapy regulates mood and helps muscles relax, especially when used in a sauna, this can lead to improved sleep. For people suffering from insomnia, this might be something to try. For all the pharmaceuticals and medications out there, natural remedies like this are oftentimes still the most effective.

Range of motion

Chromotherapy lights, in combination with a sauna, can help lubricate joints and relax surrounding muscles. This helps to increase range of motion, leading to improved flexibility and injury prevention. For athletes, this is absolutely wonderful news!

Seasonal affective disorder

Alleviate the symptoms of SAD by using light to stimulate your body’s internal clock. SAD is triggered by winter when there are shorter days and a lack of sun. Color light therapy is like the sun, never letting your body grow accustomed to the harsh winter and handling the effects of seasonal affective disorder.

Reduced inflammation

Color light therapy in a sauna has been shown to reduce swelling and decrease inflammation. On its own, chromotherapy applied to swollen or inflamed areas can help soothe and catalyze healing although little is understood regarding how this happens.

Decreased muscle tension

If you’re one to experience tight, tense muscle areas after a workout or if it’s a symptom of chronic pain, color light therapy can help to dissolve knots. In combination with reducing stress, this can really help open up the body to its ability to natural heal itself.

Have you made the decision to buy a sauna for your home from Steam Sauna? Consider incorporating chromotherapy as one of its features. You will be pleasantly surprised at the difference it can make. We highly recommend considering the benefits of color light therapy and incorporating them into your day-to-day wellness routine.

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