Dry brushing is a technique to help along the detoxification process. As you may already know, our skin is our largest organ. About 25 percent of your daily detoxification happens through the skin. When our skin has too many dead cells occupying its surface or when it’s simply not active, this limits the amount of toxins our bodies can release.

Ancient history shows us dry brushing has been used for centuries and in many cultures to rejuvenate the skin, keep it looking healthy, and also to clear out the pathways through which toxins are expelled. As you may guess, dry brushing involves taking a brush and running it across the outside of the skin. What this does is, first and foremost, combs away the dead skin cells allowing new skin to regenerate. It’s also a form of stimulation which increases blood circulation, activates your lymphatic system, and instantly sets you up for enhanced toxin elimination.

Why dry brushing is important to one’s internal health has to do with the lymphatic system. The body’s lymph system comprises of white blood cells known as ‘lymphocytes’ alongside the fluid that they sit in. The lymphatic system brings cells nutrients and helps to remove waste. The system absorbs fats and fat-soluble vitamins from our digestive system and delivers those to the rest of the body. Detoxification also occurs through the lymph system, removing waste, debris, pathogens, toxins, dead cells, and cancer cells. Compared to other systems, the lymphatic system is underrated.

The thing about the lymphatic system is that it doesn’t really have a pump of any kind to inspire movement. Dry brushing is a sort of pump in a way, helping to move toxins through to the circulation system to help get them out. Any time toxins like these stay in our system, they attract fluid and tend to sit outside of our blood vessels. This is how we end up with swollen joints, skin issues, and cellulite. Over time, this type of thing can also weaken the immune system which contributes to many different illnesses. As dead skin cells are removed, this allows toxins to more easily pass through in sweat, breath, and urination.

All of these effects come down to dry brushing. So in this way, we advise choosing a brush with natural bristles. You don’t want Nylon or synthetic fibers which could feel rough on the skin. Dry brushing recommendations include to dry brush only when you are dry and naked, preferably before or after you bathe. Start at your feet and move in an upward motion. When you reach your torso, always move towards the heart. Sweep towards the inner thigh where your lymph nodes are. For the arms, brush towards the arm pits where there’s a cluster of lymphatic nodes as well. It’s best to do this in the morning, at least a few times per week.

After you’re on a regular dry brushing routine, get ready to jump into that steam room or sauna and get sweating. As you sweat, your skin and body will naturally detoxify thereby leaving you looking younger and healthier. If you’re looking for an infrared dry sauna to install at home, shop your favourites with customizations at Steam Sauna. When you combine sauna use with dry brushing, you’ll completely engage your lymphatic system. Look and feel great!

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