This month is Stroke and High Blood Pressure Awareness Month. As a cause of 5 percent of total deaths in North America every year, almost all of us have been affected by stroke. Sadly, stroke risks are plenty. A number of medical conditions increase the chance of having a stroke, such as whether you’ve had a stroke before, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and sickle cell disease. Any and all of these things put a person at a higher stroke risk.

Behavioural and lifestyle choices can also increase or decrease the chances of a person having a stroke. Unhealthy diets, minimal physical activity, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, as well as tobacco use can increase risk. Family history of stroke also has an impact. It’s imperative to recognize that strokes are not inevitable for anyone necessarily – even at high risk. There are ways to prevent stroke and one of them is by tackling high blood pressure.

Arguably more than other factors, high blood pressure has a strong impact on the likelihood of someone having a stroke. Lowering your blood pressure is thankfully achievable through an infrared sauna. Numerous academic studies have shown one of the verifiable benefits to an infrared sauna is the ability to lower blood pressure. Regular sessions have also been shown to improve heart disease and aid in combating obesity with weight loss. A lot of the health issues impacting stroke risk can actually be confronted using infrared heat.

As you step into the sauna, you will feel the temperature rise and that infrared heat will cause calories to burn, and heart rate and metabolism to increase. As it raises the body’s core temperature, this increases blood flow in the same way jogging or running would. Impressively, it does all this and just with someone sitting there. If you’re someone who can’t exercise due to chronic pain or lack of mobility, an infrared sauna could be your answer as to how to regulate weight and get in shape.

A recent study conducted at New York’s Birmingham University found that using an infrared sauna three times a week for 30 minute sessions each resulted in an average loss of 4 percent body fat over a 4-month period. That is without any exercise or diet change. So assuming one could add effort on the exercise and diet front, and who’s to say you couldn’t potentially lose more. Needless to say, the way an infrared sauna can impact one’s health is in a major way.

Infrared saunas eliminate toxins from the body’s fat cells as well. Toxins make it difficult for the body’s systems to function well and can sometimes act similar to a clog. The less toxins we have within the body, the lower the stroke risk. If you’re someone who comes from a family where the stroke risk is elevated, you may want to consider asking your family physician about potentially using an infrared sauna.

To anyone who has survived a stroke, they’re at an increased risk. Anyone who is fearful of the possibility of having a stroke an infrared sauna is one way to lower the risk and potentially significantly. Visit Steam Sauna’s online catalogue and consider the possibility of starting on an infrared heat treatment program through a sauna.

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