Deep in the Mediterranean, one will find hammams. These facilities serve to reinvigorate and inspire the mind, body, and spirit. A steam and a scrub here works similar to a spa in North America. In countries like Morocco, a hammam is the cultural equivalent there to a spa.
A hammam is based off traditional Roman bathing rituals that were brought to the region centuries ago. At the time, which was long ago, private homes did not have any plumbing. This attracted families and individuals to hammams, in addition to it being a place where one could socialize and cleanse themselves prior to prayer. Hammams have survived for as long as they have in the culture because they were seen as the best way to get clean, far more effective than any shower can get a person.
Hammams provide spiritual value, was a place to come to meet others and socialize, and could provide health benefits as well. The steam room element in a hammam helps to remove dead skin cells, gradually loosening them and allowing you to rinse these cells off upon stepping out. Depending on the size of the hammam, there may be multiple rooms in which to find relaxation. The muscle relaxation in particular can be a major benefit from a hammam that any user can look forward to experiencing.
Other benefits from a hammam style steam room include sinus relief. The heat helps to reduce congestion by draining the sinuses and allowing someone with a cold or flu the opportunity to breathe better.
As with what you’ll find from a steam room or sauna, this type of therapy can also increase circulation. This increased circulation helps to re-balance the body, moving nutrients through the blood and encouraging tissue repair throughout.
Lastly a better mind-body connection is fostered through a hammam. There is such a strong spiritual component to a hammam, going beyond what you’ll find at most spas or steam rooms. A deeper connection is something several people report to feeling and this is perhaps among the strongest reasons why in places like Morocco, hammams continue to be so popular.
The exact sort of hammam treatment can vary a little depending on where it is received. At its most basic definition, it is a form of public bathing. Everyone comes to enjoy a steam together and these benefits are what comes forth from that. Across the Mediterranean, one will find hammams traditional and contemporary, steam rooms, and other spa opportunities. For these people, these sort of soaks are cultural and spiritual with a deeper meaning than a lot of what you’ll find in North American steam rooms, saunas, and spas.
In Canada and the US, a lot of what forms the way we do spa steam rooms and spa saunas originate from cultures like Morocco and other regions along the Mediterranean. This is where so much of the heat therapy culture comes from and is worth remembering. In tribute to Mediterranean hammams and traditional heat therapy from centuries ago, reap these same benefits today from anywhere in North America with your own steam room.
Steam Sauna is the top brand in steam rooms and saunas in North America. Get yours today, manufactured from the highest quality materials, at an affordable price, and delivered to anywhere in Canada or the US.