Steam rooms come with many health benefits. You may notice steam rooms located in gyms, spas, and similar environments. A steam room is ultimately an enclosed space in which sweating is stimulated. The room is heated by steam, varying the temperature according to preference although most enjoy it settled somewhere around 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

Steam rooms are compared to saunas because of how both involve sitting in a small, heated room with several health benefits they lay claim to. There are many differences however. The primary difference involves the type of heat used with saunas using dry heat while steam rooms employ a generator filled with boiling water. A sauna relaxes and loosens the muscles however does not carry with it the same humidity as a steam room. Here are some steam room benefits you can look forward to.

Promotes skin health

Every day our environments expose us to toxic metals and all types of toxicity. They become trapped in the skin. Steam room and the inciting of sweating uses heat to open up pours and helps the body push out these toxins. In time, you may find yourself with clear and more even-toned skin.

Better regulated blood pressure

In a steam room, a study has found that some users’ bodies – not all – release hormones that change their heart rate. Among these is aldosterone which is a blood pressure regulating hormone. If you suffer from high blood pressure, a steam room can help to relax you while decreasing blood pressure if you’re fortunate enough to have these hormones released.

Workout recovery

After working out, you may feel stiff and sore. You may also have what is called delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Professional athletes have been using heat therapy for decades to reduce muscle soreness. Heat from a steam room penetrates the muscle tissue, relieves delayed onset muscle soreness, and works quicker than dry heat to get the job done.

Circulation improvement

A study analyzing older individuals using steam rooms showed this type of wet heat improved circulation in various parts of the body including in the extremities. The better circulation, the higher likelihood you are to have a healthier heart and lower blood pressure. This also helps to assist in healing broken skin.

Stress reducer

Exposure to a steam room environment decreases cortisol production in the body. The cortisol hormone regulates stress and when your levels drop, you feel more relaxed. Studies have shown even a few minutes of time spent in a relaxed state of mind can improve a number of health outcomes.

Clears congestion

Steam rooms warm the mucous membrane and encourages us to breathe deeply. If there’s congestion inside the sinuses or lungs, this is a way to loosen it up. For this reason, you will find steam therapy used for treating colds and sinus infections. A recent study analyzing children’s respiratory infections found that kids who used steam room therapy recovered more quickly compared to those who did not.

Loosens stiff joints

Jumping into a steam room is a nice way to loosen up prior to a workout, something which can be critical to avoiding getting hurt. Improve mobility, relax and gain flexibility in your joints. Reducing the likelihood of injury can also prove to be particularly beneficial for those nervous about getting involved in working out.

We are one of North America’s top seller of steam rooms and saunas. For more information on the benefits of steam rooms, contact a representative at Steam Sauna today.

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