Infrared sauna therapy used regularly can help relieve pain in some chronic pain patients, such as those suffering from fibromyalgia or arthritis. Infrared saunas provide soothing, relaxing heat from the inside-outwards, heating your body instead of heating the air around it like traditional saunas would.

Although there are a variety of benefits you might appreciate about infrared saunas, if you’re a patient with fibromyalgia or chronic pain, chances are you’re most concerned with pain relief. Chronic pain is truly a debilitating condition that does not get nearly enough respect in the medical community. Unfortunately, so many suffer from chronic pain and some have their lives completely ruined by it. According to various sports medicine experts, academic studies, and researchers identifying non-opioid pain relief therapies, infrared saunas have the potential to significantly reduce pain even after a single use.

In an infrared sauna, wavelengths penetrate deep into the body. This creates blood flow to muscles, delivers concentrated oxygen, and gives your body the energy it needs to heal. For patient with rheumatoid arthritis and other types of chronic pain, a recommended starting dose for infrared sauna therapy is 4 weeks of two 30-minute sessions per week. A study published in Clinical Rheumatology demonstrated an infrared sauna plan like this resulted in improvements in pain and stiffness by 40 percent on average. Another study published in Internal Medicine suggested some patients experience as much as a 70 percent improvement in pain after only one sauna therapy session.

Why infrared saunas are believed to work so well on chronic pain is believed to have to do with how our bodies are built. An infrared sauna works on the fascia, which is the web-like structure which holds everything together inside. As one part of the fascia is relaxed, so does the rest. Infrared therapy in general tends to penetrate up to 2 inches deep into the body, stimulating a relaxation response providing the muscles and tendons opportunity to release tension.

The deep penetrating heat from an infrared sauna also raises core body temperature which essentially tricks yourself into thinking you have a fever. The forces the body’s immune system to kick itself into action, producing more white blood cells. As major factors in creating pain in the body, the penetration levels of the heat also reduces swelling or inflammation in the body. Capillaries and arteries dilate, blood flow increase, and more oxygen-rich blood travels to areas where there’s tension and pain.

If you don’t believe the results others have experienced, give a 20-30 minute session a try and see how you feel afterwards. Chances are you’ll feel very relaxed and probably quite rejuvenated! Anyone suffering from pain in their muscles, joints, or soft tissue are well recommended infrared sauna session to help promote relief and healing. This isn’t a pill and there are no risks involved. See what so many other chronic pain sufferers have found about infrared sauna therapy and that’s that it works!

Steam Sauna is North America’s top supplier of infrared saunas, with hundreds of clients ranging from gyms and fitness centres to homes across the US and Canada. If you’re ready to get your own chronic pain-friendly infrared sauna treatment room set up, please speak with a representative today.

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