Inflammation is one of the most dangerous long-term elements for our bodies to handle. Almost every major disease affecting human beings today has a link, to some degree, to inflammation. What’s troubling about inflammation is that our bodies become inflamed as a response to the need to heal. That said, chronic systemic inflammation is like having a negative feedback loop within the body that delays healing and which can have the opposite effect. That is, your body hurts and chronic inflammation doesn’t allow it to heal.

It should be a critical goal for every person to control and lower the inflammation in their bodies. Chronic fatigue all the way through to the presence of physical pain is linked to inflammation. Reduce inflammation with a sauna. Plain and simple, other than a healthy diet, this is the best method of immediately bringing down inflammation. There’s a lot of reasons why saunas are a great inflammation minimizer. First off, when you jump in, your body temperature temporarily increases and your inflammation will actually spike. This normally would be a bad thing except spiking your inflammation like this will actually lower your body’s baseline which normalizes inflammatory pathways.

There are several studies conducted on the relationship between saunas and inflammation. One study found an increase in production of anti-inflammatory proteins which helped to calm inflammation in patients with chronic health issues. Another study found that two weeks of sauna therapy lowered markers of oxidative stress, a potential source of inflammation. Done over a period of months or even years, there’s no telling the amount of good this will do your body. For anyone who works out and puts their bodies under a lot of stress, or who has an inflammation-related problem, saunas are a short-term and long-term treatment you can’t dismiss.

In addition to boosting anti-inflammatory proteins, a sauna also lowers C-reactive proteins. Considered markers of systemic inflammation, lower levels of CRP is a very good thing. A study examining weekly sauna use found, in men who used the sauna 3 times a week, an average of 17% lower CRP. Comparatively, in men who used the sauna up to 7 times a week, they found 32 percent lower levels of CRP. Needless to say, if you have an inflammation-related illness, an infrared sauna is an excellent way to get your body to calm and heal. Combined with other benefits to your physical and mental health, there’s almost no reason not to use a sauna.

Lowering inflammation is one of the several science-backed benefits that can help people suffering from fatigue and pain. If your body’s not working well, the cause must be found. Inflammation has been associated with life-limiting conditions such as asthma, chronic ulcers, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, active hepatitis, and more. A sauna will not provide all the tools you need to resolve your problem but it’s a strong, strong resource. Diet also plays a fundamental role in keeping inflammation low and manageable. Combining the two makes an unbeatable combination and is the only anti-inflammation plan you need.

Try a dry sauna, an infrared sauna, a steam bath, or a steam room, and feel the inflammation levels in your body fall. It’s no way to live with the inflammation in your body. Pain, heat, redness, swelling, or loss of function isn’t fun, and all these things related to inflammation. Extinguish yours today with Steam Sauna.

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