The infrared sauna industry is growing. Everyone from fashion models to Instagram influencers, Hollywood celebrities, and fitness enthusiasts are supporting the use of infrared spa therapy. Although the popularity of infrared saunas might seem like a relatively new occurrence, they’ve been used for decades in hospitals and medical treatment centres. They’ve helped premature babies maintain their warmth and grow. They’ve also been successful at expediting healing for athletes rehabbing injuries and have assisted with speeding up the same repair in the elderly.

There’s a lot of benefits to using infrared spa therapy, with some claiming it’s helped with muscle and organ relaxation to detoxification, fibromyalgia pain relief, increased circulation, anti-aging skin purification, and weight loss. Celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Aniston, and Selena Gomez use them on the regular for various conditions. They’re also featured every day on Instagram posts all over the world. For evidence of the infrared spa therapy industry’s growth, just look at major cities across North America like New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Miami, and Toronto. The $75-million infrared spa market is booming in these regions!

Companies like Steam Sauna continue to experience record growth on an annual basis, selling residential and commercial steam generators to properties all over Canada and the United States. The reason for our success has everything to do with consumers coming around to the benefits of infrared spa therapy. How it works is simple. In a traditional spa environment, wavelengths are used to heat the environment. As a person sits in that environment, they get warm and they sweat. In an infrared spa, infrared wavelengths target the body and heat the body rather than the air around it.

There are three infrared wavelengths used in a sauna – short, medium, and far. ‘Far’ is the most intense. When using the ‘far’ setting, the heat used vibrates the water molecules in a person’s body so much so that it breaks down the molecule. This is, in part, how toxins are released and then, one sweats it out. Infrared spa temperatures, because the infrared therapy is so targeted, can range from 110 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Compare this to a traditional spa environment where temperatures can increase up to 160 degrees. For this reason, in an infrared sauna, you’ll feel things more cozy and dry.

The real appeal of infrared spa therapy is in the reaction it causes in the body. In the past, exercise would be required to instigate the kind of sweating and increased heart rate you get from a sauna. If you’ve been in a sauna once before and have found it to be close to intolerable, no problem. As mentioned, a dry sauna operates at lower temperatures.

In the medical community, there’s been a lot of dispute regarding how much benefit can be derived from infrared spa therapy. Nonetheless, the one thing every doctor suggests is that, “It can’t hurt.” There has been clinical evidence suggesting significant differences in systolic hypertension, resolving symptoms of congestive heart failure, premature ventricular contractions, brain natriuretic peptide levels, vascular endothelial function, exercise tolerances, oxidative stress, and, for some, reducing levels of chronic pain.

If you’re looking to purchase an infrared sauna, shop it today with Steam Sauna. Get ready to relax, detoxify, and flush out all the negativity. A great investment for anyone living in a city filled with hustle and noise, checking out an infrared spa is a recommendation.

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