So many of us want to be happy but how many of us truly are through and through? Probably very few. We are all in search of something fulfilling, thrilling, and to make us happier people. Sizeable numbers of us chase after money and professional success, believing these things to be most fulfilling yet when we arrive at our goals, how long does this happiness last – not long. So then we maybe we read on a blog that something like a steam room makes happier people and so we try that. But the feeling doesn’t last. For some, they don’t even feel anything. We continue within this mindset of unhappiness indefinitely.
Another thing to try is in an effort to fill this void of happiness, we buy ourselves things like smartphones, cars, houses, electronics, and more. The ultimate goal of all this behaviour is to get at the happiness yet we never get there. The unfortunate thing about happiness is that the only way to be truly happy is, first, to admit there’s not really any such thing. Permanent happiness doesn’t really occur. There’s always seemingly another challenge coming around the corner or some beast ready to throw us down. Just because permanent happiness may not exist, this doesn’t mean we should suffer or that there aren’t moments of happiness and joy out there. Here’s what we mean.